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单机版的双调排序可以参考 http://blog.csdn.net/sunmenggmail/article/details/42869235





using namespace std;#define CHECK_EQ1(a,b) do { \ if ((a) != (b)) { \ cout <<__FILE__<<" : "<< __LINE__<<" : check failed because "<
1024__global__ void bigBinoticSort(unsigned int *arr, int len, unsigned int *buf) { unsigned len2 = 1 << (__btflo(len-1u) + 1);// unsigned int MAX = 0xffffffffu; unsigned id = threadIdx.x; if (id >= len2) return; unsigned iter = blockDim.x; for (unsigned i = id; i < len2; i += iter) { if (i >= len) { buf[i-len] = MAX; } } __syncthreads(); int count = 0; for (unsigned k = 2; k <= len2; k*=2) { for (unsigned j = k >> 1; j > 0; j >>= 1) { for (unsigned i = id; i < len2; i += iter) { unsigned swapIdx = i ^ j; if (swapIdx > i) { unsigned myelem, other; if (i < len) myelem = arr[i]; else myelem = buf[i-len]; if (swapIdx < len) other = arr[swapIdx]; else other = buf[swapIdx-len]; bool swap = false; if ((i & k)==0 && myelem > other) swap = true; if ((i & k) == k && myelem < other) swap = true; if (swap) { if (swapIdx < len) arr[swapIdx] = myelem; else buf[swapIdx-len] = myelem; if (i < len) arr[i] = other; else buf[i-len] = other; } } } __syncthreads(); } }}//for <= 1024__global__ void binoticSort(unsigned int *arr, int len) { __shared__ unsigned int buf[1024]; buf[threadIdx.x] = (threadIdx.x < len ? arr[threadIdx.x] : 0xffffffffu); __syncthreads(); for (unsigned k = 2; k <= blockDim.x; k*=2) {//buid k elements ascend or descend for (unsigned j = k >> 1; j > 0; j >>= 1) {//merge longer binotic into shorter binotic unsigned swapIdx = threadIdx.x ^ j; unsigned myelem = buf[threadIdx.x]; unsigned other = buf[swapIdx]; __syncthreads(); unsigned ascend = k * (swapIdx < threadIdx.x); unsigned descend = k * (swapIdx > threadIdx.x); //if I is front, swap is back; ascend = 0, descend = k //if I is back, swap is front; ascend = k, descend = 0; bool swap = false; if ((threadIdx.x & k) == ascend) { if (myelem > other) swap = true; } if ((threadIdx.x & k) == descend) { if (myelem < other) swap = true; } if (swap) buf[swapIdx] = myelem; __syncthreads(); } } if (threadIdx.x < len) arr[threadIdx.x] = buf[threadIdx.x];}template
inline void printVec(T *vec, int len) { for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) cout <
<< "\t"; cout << endl;}template
inline void printVecg(T *gvec, int len) { T *vec = (T*)malloc(sizeof(T)*len); CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpy(vec,gvec,sizeof(T)*len,cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost)); printVec(vec,len); free(vec);}void lineSize(int N, int &nblocks, int &nthreads) { if (N <= 1024) { nthreads = (N + 32 - 1)/32*32;// } else { nblocks = (N + 1024 -1)/1024; }}bool validate(unsigned *gvec, int len) { unsigned *vec = (unsigned*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned)*len); CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpy(vec,gvec,sizeof(unsigned)*len,cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost)); for(int i = 1; i < len; ++i) { if (vec[i] <= vec[i-1]) return false; } return true;}inline int roundUpPower2(int v) { v--; v |= v >> 1; v |= v >> 2; v |= v >> 4; v |= v >> 8; v |= v >> 16; v++; return v;}int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 2) { cout << "len \n"; return; } int len = atoi(argv[1]); unsigned int *arr = (unsigned int*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned int)*len); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) arr[i] = i; srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)); for (int i = len; i >= 2; --i) { int j = rand() % i; swap(arr[i-1], arr[j]); } unsigned* debug; CUDA_CHECK(cudaMalloc((void**)&debug, sizeof(unsigned)*1000)); unsigned int* darr, *buf; CUDA_CHECK(cudaMalloc((void**)&darr, sizeof(unsigned int)*len)); CUDA_CHECK(cudaMalloc((void**)&buf, sizeof(unsigned int)*len)); CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpy(darr, arr, sizeof(unsigned int)*len, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); bigBinoticSort<<<1,1024>>>(darr,len, buf); CUDA_CHECK(cudaPeekAtLastError()); CUDA_CHECK(cudaDeviceSynchronize()); if (validate(darr, len)) cout << "yes\n"; else cout << "no\n"; return 1;}



经过本人测试,包括thrust的sort(基数排序), 只有元素数量超过5000个,gpu上的排序算法才有明显的优势。10万左右的元素,gpu上的排序算法比cpu有一百倍的提速。


gpu上的快排主要参考样例 NVIDIA_CUDA-6.5_Samples/6_Advanced/cdpAdvancedQuicksort







#define QSORT_BLOCKSIZE_SHIFT   9#define QSORT_BLOCKSIZE         (1 << QSORT_BLOCKSIZE_SHIFT)#define BITONICSORT_LEN         1024            // Must be power of 2!#define QSORT_MAXDEPTH          16              // Will force final bitonic stage at depth QSORT_MAXDEPTH+1#define QSORT_STACK_ELEMS   1*1024*1024 // One million stack elements is a HUGE number.typedef struct __align__(128) qsortAtomicData_t{    volatile unsigned int lt_offset;    // Current output offset for 
pivot volatile unsigned int sorted_count; // Total count sorted, for deciding when to launch next wave volatile unsigned int index; // Ringbuf tracking index. Can be ignored if not using ringbuf.} qsortAtomicData;// A ring-buffer for rapid stack allocationtypedef struct qsortRingbuf_t{ volatile unsigned int head; //1 // Head pointer - we allocate from here volatile unsigned int tail; //0 // Tail pointer - indicates last still-in-use element volatile unsigned int count;//0 // Total count allocated volatile unsigned int max; //0 // Max index allocated unsigned int stacksize; // // Wrap-around size of buffer (must be power of 2) volatile void *stackbase; // Pointer to the stack we're allocating from} qsortRingbuf;/*for cuda has no lock, so we have to do like this:if alloc , ++headif free , ++tailso [tail, head) contains alloced chunks; head point to the next free chunkcount record the number of chunks had freewe have n chunks, but the index of a chunk is increase when re-allocmax record the maximum index of the free chunksonly if the chunks before max are all free, aka, max == count, we can alter tail value */template
static __device__ void ringbufFree(qsortRingbuf *ringbuf, T *data) { unsigned index = data->index; unsigned count = atomicAdd((unsigned*)&(ringbuf->count), 1) + 1; unsigned max = atomicMax((unsigned*)&(ringbuf->max), index + 1); if (max < (index + 1)) max = index + 1; if (max == count) { atomicMax((unsigned*)&(ringbuf->tail), count); }}template
static __device__ T* ringbufAlloc(qsortRingbuf *ringbuf) { unsigned int loop = 10000; while (((ringbuf->head - ringbuf->tail) >= ringbuf->stacksize) && (loop-- > 0)); if (loop == 0) return NULL; unsigned index = atomicAdd((unsigned*)&ringbuf->head, 1); T *ret = (T*)(ringbuf->stackbase) + (index & (ringbuf->stacksize - 1)); ret->index = index; return ret;}__global__ void qsort_warp(unsigned *indata, unsigned *outdata, unsigned int offset,//0 unsigned int len,// qsortAtomicData *atomicData,//stack qsortRingbuf *atomicDataStack,//ringbuf unsigned int source_is_indata,//true unsigned int depth) { //printf("depth = %d", depth); // Find my data offset, based on warp ID unsigned int thread_id = threadIdx.x + (blockIdx.x << QSORT_BLOCKSIZE_SHIFT); //unsigned int warp_id = threadIdx.x >> 5; // Used for debug only unsigned int lane_id = threadIdx.x & (warpSize-1);// %32 // Exit if I'm outside the range of sort to be done if (thread_id >= len) return; // // First part of the algorithm. Each warp counts the number of elements that are // greater/less than the pivot. // // When a warp knows its count, it updates an atomic counter. // // Read in the data and the pivot. Arbitrary pivot selection for now. unsigned pivot = indata[offset + len/2]; unsigned data = indata[offset + thread_id]; // Count how many are <= and how many are > pivot. // If all are <= pivot then we adjust the comparison // because otherwise the sort will move nothing and // we'll iterate forever. unsigned int greater = (data > pivot); unsigned int gt_mask = __ballot(greater);//Evaluate predicate for all active threads of the warp and return an integer whose Nth bit is set if and only if predicate evaluates to non-zero for the Nth thread of the warp and the Nth thread is active. if (gt_mask == 0) { greater = (data >= pivot); gt_mask = __ballot(greater); } unsigned lt_mask = __ballot(!greater); unsigned gt_count = __popc(gt_mask);//count number of 1 in a warp; unsigned lt_count = __popc(lt_mask); //only thread 0 in warp calc //find 2 new positions for this warp unsigned lt_oft, gt_oft; if (lane_id == 0) { if (lt_count > 0) lt_oft = atomicAdd((unsigned*)&atomicData->lt_offset, lt_count);//atomicAdd return old value, not the newer//all the warps will syn call this if (gt_count > 0) gt_oft = len - (atomicAdd((unsigned*) &atomicData->gt_offset, gt_count) + gt_count); //printf("depth = %d\n", depth); //printf("pivot = %u\n", pivot); //printf("lt_count %u lt_oft %u gt_count %u gt_oft %u atomicDataGtOffset %u\n", lt_count,lt_oft, gt_count,gt_oft, atomicData->gt_offset); } lt_oft = __shfl((int)lt_oft, 0); gt_oft = __shfl((int)gt_oft, 0);//Everyone pulls the offsets from lane 0 __syncthreads(); // Now compute my own personal offset within this. I need to know how many // threads with a lane ID less than mine are going to write to the same buffer // as me. We can use popc to implement a single-operation warp scan in this case. unsigned lane_mask_lt; asm("mov.u32 %0, %%lanemask_lt;" : "=r"(lane_mask_lt));//bits set in positions less than the thread's lane number the warp unsigned my_mask = greater ? gt_mask : lt_mask; unsigned my_oft = __popc(my_mask & lane_mask_lt);// //move data my_oft += greater ? gt_oft : lt_oft; outdata[offset + my_oft] = data; __syncthreads(); //if (lane_id == 0) printf("pivot = %d", pivot); if (lane_id == 0) { /*if (blockIdx.x == 0) { printf("depth = %d\n", depth); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) printf("%u ", outdata[offset+i]); printf("\n"); }*/ unsigned mycount = lt_count + gt_count; //we are the last warp if (atomicAdd((unsigned*)&atomicData->sorted_count, mycount) + mycount == len) { unsigned lt_len = atomicData->lt_offset; unsigned gt_len = atomicData->gt_offset; cudaStream_t lstream, rstream; cudaStreamCreateWithFlags(&lstream, cudaStreamNonBlocking); cudaStreamCreateWithFlags(&rstream, cudaStreamNonBlocking); ringbufFree
(atomicDataStack, atomicData); if (lt_len == 0) return; left if (lt_len > BITONICSORT_LEN) { if (depth >= QSORT_MAXDEPTH) { bigBinoticSort<<<1, BITONICSORT_LEN,0, rstream>>>(outdata + offset, lt_len, indata + offset); } else { if ((atomicData = ringbufAlloc
(atomicDataStack)) == NULL) printf("Stack-allocation error. Failing left child launch.\n"); else { atomicData->lt_offset = atomicData->gt_offset = atomicData->sorted_count = 0; unsigned int numblocks = (unsigned int)(lt_len+(QSORT_BLOCKSIZE-1)) >> QSORT_BLOCKSIZE_SHIFT; qsort_warp<<< numblocks, QSORT_BLOCKSIZE, 0, lstream >>>(outdata, indata, offset, lt_len, atomicData, atomicDataStack, true, depth+1); } } } else if (lt_len > 1) { unsigned int bitonic_len = 1 << (__btflo(lt_len-1U)+1); binoticSort<<< 1, bitonic_len, 0, lstream >>>(outdata + offset,lt_len); } // right if (gt_len > BITONICSORT_LEN) { if (depth >= QSORT_MAXDEPTH) bigBinoticSort<<<1, BITONICSORT_LEN,0, rstream>>>(outdata + offset + lt_len, gt_len, indata + offset + lt_len); else { if ((atomicData = ringbufAlloc
(atomicDataStack)) == NULL) printf("Stack allocation error! Failing right-side launch.\n"); else { atomicData->lt_offset = atomicData->gt_offset = atomicData->sorted_count = 0; unsigned int numblocks = (unsigned int)(gt_len+(QSORT_BLOCKSIZE-1)) >> QSORT_BLOCKSIZE_SHIFT; qsort_warp<<< numblocks, QSORT_BLOCKSIZE, 0, rstream >>>(outdata, indata, offset+lt_len, gt_len, atomicData, atomicDataStack, true, depth+1); } } } else if (gt_len > 1) { unsigned int bitonic_len = 1 << (__btflo(gt_len-1U)+1); binoticSort<<< 1, bitonic_len, 0, rstream >>>(outdata + offset + lt_len,gt_len); } } }}void runqsort(unsigned *gpudata, unsigned *scratchdata, unsigned int count, cudaStream_t stream) { unsigned int stacksize = QSORT_STACK_ELEMS;//1*1024*1024 // This is the stack, for atomic tracking of each sort's status qsortAtomicData *gpustack; CUDA_CHECK(cudaMalloc((void **)&gpustack, stacksize * sizeof(qsortAtomicData))); CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemset(gpustack, 0, sizeof(qsortAtomicData))); // Only need set first entry to 0 // Create the memory ringbuffer used for handling the stack. // Initialise everything to where it needs to be. qsortRingbuf buf; qsortRingbuf *ringbuf; CUDA_CHECK(cudaMalloc((void **)&ringbuf, sizeof(qsortRingbuf))); buf.head = 1; // We start with one allocation buf.tail = 0; buf.count = 0; buf.max = 0; buf.stacksize = stacksize; buf.stackbase = gpustack; CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpy(ringbuf, &buf, sizeof(buf), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); if (count > BITONICSORT_LEN)//1024 {//QSORT_BLOCKSIZE = 2^9 = 512 unsigned int numblocks = (unsigned int)(count+(QSORT_BLOCKSIZE-1)) >> QSORT_BLOCKSIZE_SHIFT; qsort_warp<<< numblocks, QSORT_BLOCKSIZE, 0, stream >>>(gpudata, scratchdata, 0U, count, gpustack, ringbuf, true, 0); } else { binoticSort<<< 1, BITONICSORT_LEN >>>(gpudata, count); CUDA_CHECK(cudaMemcpy(scratchdata, gpudata, sizeof(unsigned)*count, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice)); } cudaDeviceSynchronize();}

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